
Paul ryan video diary
Paul ryan video diary

Learn the many iterations of the Smaul Fryan in our slideshow. Chances are we’ll be seeing a lot of it tonight during his debate with Joe Biden. Think of it as a facial Rorschach blot onto which people can project whatever they want him to be thinking. (3) You might even make it yourself - it’s not hard, you just smush your lips together, like you’re trying to maximize contact between your gums and your front teeth. It’s easy to see why this is Ryan’s default arrangement of facial muscles: It’s the perfect look for serious situations where you need to react, but you’re not sure exactly what kind of emotion to express. In honor of the late Buddy Ryan, we take a look back at his revolutionary 46 Defense and the 1985 Chicago Bears.

paul ryan video diary

Senate edged towards a late-night vote on a pared-down bill to repeal Obamacare, House Speaker Paul Ryan assured Senate Republicans that if they approve a bill that many do not want to become law, the House will help them craft different legislation. It features Hillary Clinton reciting parts of her autobiography. (2) Ryan has made it constantly throughout the campaign. By David Morgan and Yasmeen Abutaleb WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the U.S. Hillary Stories is a Bad Lip Reading video made on September 26, 2018. This expression, which in Ryan’s case we’ll call the “Smaul Fryan” (that’s “smile” and “frown” combined with his name, duh), is familiar for a number of reasons: (1) Your dad makes it.

paul ryan video diary

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paul ryan video diary

Instead, he’s pursing his lips into a sort of frown-smile, a humble everyman look that can mean everything from “what shall I order for lunch” to “stop clapping so I can talk” or “b ig-government economics breeds crony capitalism.” The latest tips and advice for men on style, grooming, fitness, best products, travel destinations and more. It’s an expression of calm concentration - he’s not showing too much exertion (that would by wussy and/or provide further opportunities for fart jokes, which Romney’s campaign really doesn’t need), nor is he smiling (grinning weightlifters are decidedly not trustworthy). Time magazine’s photos of Paul Ryan pumping iron in a T-shirt have swept across the Internet today, and while his sinewy muscles are the spread’s star attraction, we’d like to note another feature: his weight-lifting face.

Paul ryan video diary